M V N Reddy, professionally known as Mallidi Vassishta is an Indian Film Director, Writer and Actor who works in Telugu Cinema. He made his Directorial debut in 2022 with the super successful Fantasy Action Drama Bimbisara with Nandamuri Kalyan Ram under N.T.R Arts. Vassishta was born on 8th January 1986 and was brought up in Chennai. He is the son of Ace Producer & Distributor Mallidi Satya Narayana Reddy who has produced films like Bunny, Dhee & Bhageeradha. He had his primary schooling in Vijaya Bharati, Chennai and later shifted to Hyderabad to complete his secondary education at Siddartha and Nalanda Educational Institutions. He later graduated from St. Mary's Hyderabad.
Mallik is known for Ananya (2018).
Mallik Ram was born in India. He is known for Adbhutham (2021), Pelli Gola 2 (2018) and Tillu Square (2024).
Mallika is known for Appan (2022).
Mallika is known for Valasa (2021).
Mallika is an actress, known for Autograph (2004), Naa Autograph Sweet Memories (2004) and Hindustan Ki Kasam (1999).
Mallika is an actress, known for Kahin Din Kahin Raat (1968), Pyaar Ka Rishta (1973) and Ek Nari Ek Brahmachari (1971).
Mallika is known for Naa Autograph Sweet Memories (2004), Hindustan Ki Kasam (1999) and Priyappetta Nattukare (2011).
Mallika Bajaj is known for Akathit (2022) and The Tails of Boo-Boo & Cuddly Poo (2022).
The original funny girl of the internet, Mallika, an actor and comedian, shot to fame with her online content featuring caricatures, satirical comedy and her irreverent wit. She is known for the characters she creates across Instagram and Youtube. With a degree in acting from Franklin and Marshall several years being a copywriter in advertising, acting and creating content came naturally to her. She has headlined successful shows like The Trip, Midnight misadventures with Mallika Dua, Fake or not, The Office across OTT platforms and has been part of movies like Indoo ki Jawani, Namaste England, Hindi Medium, Zero etc.