Malavika began her career as a child actress in Malayalam television serials. Malayalam film director Shri. Kamal then cast her in his acclaimed film Karutha Pakshikal. This role won her the Kerala State Film Award. She has also acted in other Malayalam movies - Yes Your Honour, Maya Bazar, Orkkuka Vallappozhum, Shikkar, Penpattanam, Kandahar, Little Master, Vaadhyar, The Reporter, Oomakkuyil Padumbol, Naughty Professor, Ithra Mathram, and Omega.Exe
Malavika Satheesan was born on 28 March 2001 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. She is an actress, known for BFH (Boyfriend for Hire) (2022), Bommala Koluvu (2022) and Dochevaarevarura (2023).
Malavika Sharma is known for Bhimaa (2024) and Veettilekkulla Vazhi (2011).
Malavika Shivpuri is known for Gadar: Ek Prem Katha (2001), APPU (2024) and Ishq Vishk (2003).
Malavika Sreenath was born on 30 September 1997 in Kerala, India. She is an actress, known for Kasargold (2023), Madhuram (2021) and Untitled Indrajith Ramesh/Bhavana Project.
Malavika V.N. is known for Rendagam (2022), 21 Grams (2022) and Nizhal (2021).
Malavika Wales is an actress, known for Pushpa: The Rise - Part 1 (2021), Nandhini (2017) and Manjil Virinja Poovu (2019).
Malavikka is an actress, known for Karutha Pakshikal (2006), Priya Nestama (2002) and Samrajyam (2009).
Malay Chakrabarty is known for International Khiladi (1999), Surya (2004) and Danga Fasaad (1990).
Malay Garg is known for Trapped (2016) and Inside Edge (2017).