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Edwin M. Figueroa is known for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014), Boiler Room (2000) and Sling Blade (1996).
Edwin Mackell is known for Creature in the Woods (2017).
Edwin Mendoza Ramírez is an actor, known for Roma (2018).
Edwin Modlin II is known for Yesteryear, We Are Men (2013) and Navy SEALs: America's Secret Warriors (2017).
Edwin Muñoz is an actor and cinematographer, known for Vive (2019), Juanpis (2022) and Álbum (2021).
Edwin Neal was born in Houston, Texas, USA. Following high school, he studied with Zula Pearson at Lon Morris in Jacksonville, Texas, before moving on to acting and directing studies with B. Iden Payne at the University of Texas Drama Department. While there, he auditioned for role of HitchHiker in "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". Edwin has worked w/ Oliver Stone in "JFK" and Bob Balaban in "My Boyfriend's Back". His favorite projects include playing Bassanio to Sandy Duncan's Portia in "Merchant of Venice" in a stage production. A top voice talent for many years, Edwin was chosen for inclusion in "The World's Greatest Commercials" by Carson Productions. Other top-selling CD-ROM projects he has completed are: "Wing Commander II", "The Nile", "The Cartoon History of the Universe", and others. Edwin annually tours worldwide, making many public appearances as 'The Hitchhiker' at science-fiction conventions and related gatherings.
Edwin Pequignot is known for Clipped! (2021).
Edwin Perez is known for Far Cry 6 (2021), Supergirl (2015) and Marvel Battleworld: Treachery at Twilight (2021).
With roots in Chicago, Edwin R. Habacon, didn't make the leap into professional acting until his mid 30s when the LA resident made the fateful decision to close his successful clothing label and pursue his passion professionally. Since then, it's been a steady stream of roles on stage and screen -- big, small and computer monitors alike. Hailed by filmmakers and casting pros alike for his range and unique look, Edwin's variety of roles has seen him play multiple genres (comedy, horror, drama, children's) and multiple ethnic backgrounds. Previous select film credits include Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End; Harbinger Down with Lance Henriksen: Virtual Heroes with Mark Hamill; British cult favorite, Geezas: and Stress, Orgasms, & Salvation where he plays a pre-op transexual. TV series highlights include Sneaky Pete (Amazon); Harry's Law (NBC) with Kathy Bates; Hawaii Five-O (CBS); Rebel (BET); Sons of Tucson (FOX); ; and Supah Ninjas (Nickelodeon).